
日本が多様性に寛容な社会になるために、世界一多様な都市トロントに留学している教育者の卵です。Teacher candidate/ DIversity education/ Canada / Study abroad

Extended French: French as a Second Language (FSL)

Language is built in context; this is a concept behind CLIL education. 

Yesterday  I had a chance to observe the extended French class in grade 5 & 6. The extended Franch program is known as a French immersion program, which is essentially a special program that students learn the subject-contents with second language practices.

In the school I went, the extended French program starts from grade 5 (in September) and continues until the graduation of grade 8. The French teacher told me about the beauties of the extended French and some elaboration she did;

  • Teacher collaborate together, bringing what students learn in English to French class, to allow students to make connections in both languages


(This is one of the social studies' hand out, talking about Indigenous studies for grade five kids. Though the curriculum expectation is written in English, keywords and questions are provided in French.)

  • This collaboration essentially yields a content-based learning and the meaning in the Second Language Acquisition (SLA)
  • Use fun, authentic and good materials for kids to be motivated 
  • Repeating the same tasks helps built a confidence in SLA practice which students tend to feel anxiety. 
  • In order to prevent students self-esteem from decreasing, it is okay to cut down the tasks to very simple steps (Instead of making a paragraph in writing practice, giving a task that making two sentences is absolutely okay)
  • By giving every chance to use the language, students build a confidence (welcoming upper-grade kids to be modeled in lower classes will give both classes students benefits)
  • They wont be bilinguals by the time graduating from grade eight; however, they can answer the simple questions with deeper understandings

     The French teacher shared a story when she had a hard time finishing curriculum in her first and second year of teaching. But then she realized that focusing on the curriculum wouldnt gonna work in her classroom. So she started to shift student-based pace from curriculum-based class. This is supported by Canada's French curriculum started since 2013 allowing teachers to create the localized plans, giving not super strict aims. According to the French teacher, compared to the former curriculum, 2013's one shows more flexibilities. (Refer to this link)


She also added "No one is gonna come in and blame her like 'Hey, you didnt finish the curriculum expectation!!!!'", but even if someone does that she would welcome them into the classroom and show what exactly students are learning. It was amazing that she has the absolute confidence that she delivers the best teaching every day for her students. 






生徒は小学1年生からCore programという授業を行なっていて、Extended programに入れる子は選抜された生徒のみ。それでも驚くのは小学5年生でフランス語(母語じゃない)を使って自分の読んだ本の紹介ができてしまう点。コミュニケーションベースで練習してきたから、と先生は言っていたけど、2~3分話し続けることができる上にプレゼン後の spontanious questions (準備されてない突然の質問)にも理由を持って答えられているのは日頃フランス語漬けになっている賜物だと感じました。


【Extended French classの教師の役割】

先生はSuccess criteria という学習目標兼評価基準に基づき、「物語中のAという出来事はなんで起こったんだっけ?」という質問をしていて生徒が物語を本当に理解できているかを確認したり。「なんでこの物語が面白いと思ったの?」と聞いて理由を説明させたり。子供達は言語能力の前に文章やプレゼンの構成力がないから、こういう言葉がけでプレゼンテーションをサポートしていました。

プレゼン後には今度は聞き手側にも質問します。普段先生の話すFrenchに慣れている子供達にも、友達の話すFrenchの文構成、音に親しみを持ってもらうと共に、簡単なclosed question(主人公の名前はなんでしたか?、主人公Aはどこにに住んでいますか?)を用いて、プレゼンの内容は理解度確認していました。






"You are more than welcome to observe our classes. That's our community. Everyone loves to open their classes to others." 


さて、次の金曜日がラスト学校訪問。ELLの教室と折り紙授業 (2nd attempt) です〜!