
日本が多様性に寛容な社会になるために、世界一多様な都市トロントに留学している教育者の卵です。Teacher candidate/ DIversity education/ Canada / Study abroad

Increase the time for improving English

I am wariting a paper about my personal encounter with cultural representation of education; however, it doesn’t work well.


First of all, the question is so long and complex, which makes me so difficult to construct my paper.

I’m trying to stay focus on how that particular encounter influenced me, and why it is so important to me.

It looks so simple when I write this here, but it’s much difficult than I expected.


Second of all, finding resources is quite hard because I choose a Japanese song came up this year.

Even though there is few proper articles on that, it’s much harder, even impossible, to find out articles in English.


Thirdly, my English is getting worse.

since I don’t immerse myself in English occasions enough to keep my language level, my Engl Sh is super messy now. Although still I’m told like “Oh your English is good or you don’t have accent! ”, it means nothing to me, for the important point is not pronounciation, but whether I can fully express my opinions or not.




i feel fear to show my reports to my friends now as I don’t want them to be disappointed by seeing my disruptive paper. It’s horrible.

I’ll probably be going back to Writing Centre to get help of this issue. ~~~ (;_;)