
日本が多様性に寛容な社会になるために、世界一多様な都市トロントに留学している教育者の卵です。Teacher candidate/ DIversity education/ Canada / Study abroad


Every time my cousin talks about her elementary and middle school teacher, her eyes are sparking, and she looks so excited.

this is because her teacher, Mr. Chueng is super amazing person. 


The teacher is a math teacher, who somehow introduces his university psychology textbook to his grade8 students, takes his students to a career event, and brings to a closest lake during the class. 

It looks extremely free and random for me, but the point here is that both teacher and students really enjoy the teaching/learning opportunities! 


  • Not missing right time when students are interested in a certain thing.
  • Pay attention to students curiosity.
  • let students to find the way to solve problems


those are some of the common things I can see from his teaching styles.

To do so, however, it is important to have a really good principal. The trust between teachers and the principal matters how teachers address the class management. In addition, the principal should be respected by their students as well. This ideal relationship enabled my cousin’s school to yield such an amazingly talented students. 




Do what teachers and students are excited, don’t miss the chances of teaching and learning to physically and emotionally work with kids.