
日本が多様性に寛容な社会になるために、世界一多様な都市トロントに留学している教育者の卵です。Teacher candidate/ DIversity education/ Canada / Study abroad


The contents are quite interesting; for example, “Is Canada Ready for a Non-White Federal Leader?”, “Chinese Exclusion and Indigenous Dispossession” and so on.
In the opening, it was started with reviewing the last day’s leaning so that every participant, including those who didn’t attend Day1, can catch up and get ready for Day2.
To be honest, because of luck of Canadian experiences, I couldn’t fully understand the fundamental issues addressed in some sessions. The one thing, however, that I really impressed was the passion from the educators or even teacher candidates. Canadian teacher candidates are seeing the world ahead because it is just a process for them to become a teacher. Recently I got a chance to talk about my future plan with my sempai though, I realized that I was opposite; it was still one of my goals to be a teacher in Japan, which would not be ideal. 
2015年にジャスティン・トルドー政権が首相を除く政権メンバーの構成を男女半々、先住民、難民出身の官僚を取り入れた政権を構成したように、確実にAnti Immigrants の歴史から前に進んでいる事が言えます。本当にこれってすごい事だよなあ。
一方で、Anti Asian問題については疑問が解消できなかった部分も。その点は消化不良かな。