
日本が多様性に寛容な社会になるために、世界一多様な都市トロントに留学している教育者の卵です。Teacher candidate/ DIversity education/ Canada / Study abroad













45分のプレゼンだからオーディエンスも飽きてきちゃうのが常なんだけど、私が喋る番になると「お〜あのESLの子がんばってる」的な温かい眼差しで注目してくれる人が多かったように思います。笑笑 ネイティブ50人対私1人だから相当浮くんやろうな。笑笑


終わってからグループメンバーや教授にも you did a great job とか you nailed itとか褒めてもらって、一安心でした。




自分の大学では課題の提出はやっぱまだ紙が多かったなあ。教授も手書きでのフィードバックに時間がかかったみたいだけど、Google Docとか活用できれば学生も教授も時間削減できると思うし、資源も削減できると思うなあ。(みんながパソコン持ってる前提の話だけど、少なくとも大学ならコンピュータールーム?的なのあったし普及しやすいはずだよね。。)


情報が大量に流れ込みすぎて頭がぼーっとしていた今日😭 頭の情報処理スピードが追いついてない感。













昼間あまりもぐったりしすぎて、日本時間朝に救世主母親に電話したら、アドバイス、「緑茶飲みなさい」だった。笑笑 このゆるさが我が家や。。。







Standardized Education

In today's class, we talked about the concept of Standardized Education, a.k.a. one movement of several education styles. 
As I mentioned in a previous article, this class includes many discussions constracted with more authentic opinions. (If you haven't seen the previous post about the class, here is the link.)




<The class is about>

Today's topic,Standardized Education, is established in 1600-1700s in Western history. Because of the industrial influence, this way of teaching developped with an assumption that the skills people need in the society is stable. 

Although the idea of Standardized Education is considered as the classic and old compared to current educational standards, teachers still use this concept quite often. Some examples can be one-direction teaching, asking just a knowledge in test, and/or teachers write down everything on the cholkboard and ask students to copy them on notebooks. (It reminds me Japanese teaching style a lot... orz)

So, we discussed the reasons why current teachers still want to use the concept of Standardized Education.


  1. Philosophy of knowledge shapes a concept of learning 

In the reading, "Engaging Minds" (Davis, 2015), the author explains that many people believe knowledge as a thing; something you can give to others.

In other words, for those who believe in the knowledge as a thing, their attitude might be "I have the answers, you should have known that because I have taught already, and you have to give it back to me."

This interpretation is very interesting for me as I  feel this philosophy was pretty common in my school days. So agian, this is saying how we interpret knowledge does affect our teachings and students' leanings.

I also found out that despite most of Japanese teachers do not see any problems using worksheet in classes, which I also did in my practicum a lot, Canadian teacher candidates seemed to feel using worksheet as a factor of losing students’ engagement.


Then, what is the idea of knowledge looks like in this century

In class, we confirmed that knowledge should be seen in students' minds; it means something should be made sense by students, not by teachers.

Therefore, one-way teaching or assessing only knowledge (e.g. multiple choice questions) shouldn't be encouraged in this era.

Ideally, what teachers should ask students for will be

  • the skills of application by uterlizing the knowledge students have accumulated, and
  • attitude of being curious about the topic.

Yet, this idea might not always welcomed or understood by paretns. (Actually many Canadian teachers are questioned by parents, saying "give more drill work so that my children can do well" or "I don't care the mark of art subjects (,which enhances crativity though!!), but let them do more math or sciences") I sort of understand what parents  comment about, for this is how we get adults. However, parents generations need to recodnize students should be allowed to try multiple approaches, and be more engeged into the learning rather than come school and do drill work.


It is also said that the role of teachers (teaching) have changed from the time that people have to be fit in a certain framework to be succeeded. 

Students used to gain the knowledge by copying what teachers write on the board back in the day, but the important role for current teachers is shifting on engaging students into learning. Teachers provide learning opportunities to allow studetns to make sense in their own minds, encouraging students to associate their experiences or knowledge they had been constructed with new learning.


     2. A sense of security affects teaching styles 

Teachers see Standardized Education is supposed to be avoided. On the other hand, at some points, teachers like to use it. For example, many teachers still ask multiple choice questions for testing studetns' knowledge, still follow the curriculum all the time, or still expect students to get the goals in the certain ways. 

 These are implemanted because

  • there is an assumption that teachers should know and give the right answers;
  • teachers are afraid of out of controll by asking opened questions;
  • teachers want a sense of security, which allow them to expect what studetns would response; and/or
  • teachers feel pressure from authorities (it could be parents and/or provincial curruculum expectations)

But, the critical question here is "is this really a teachers' responsibility for studetns to know the right answers?"

In today's class, professor told us that the role of teacher is engaging studetns into the learnig; however, getting studetns to the cgoal should depend on each student. Again, if the knowledge should be possessed by studetns, teachers' job would be listening to what they have known/experienced so that students can see the connections to the new learning. 


It makes sense at some points, yet this might not work all the time such as language/grammar class. (It requires a lot of practice as well as understanding the new knowledge)

Some times teachers do need to focus on knowledge understandings to develop students’ thinking (among math, science, language, history etc)


<Last comments>

These conversations are really interesting for me and gave me an opportunity to think about what my philosophy of teaching is. If the concept of knowledge shapes teaching/learning, the belief that the more you have experiences of teaching, the more better teacher you are won’t come along with it. Then it is the principle/ idea of knowledge that creates teachers’ teaching style.

BTW, I wanted to post this article in Japanese to make it easier to reflect on later, I couldn't do it since I'm in the library and using a computar there (of course, the keyboad doesn't have a function to enter Japanese...) Hope this would help someone and future-myself to think about teaching and learning. 






だから大切なのは子供が「経験」して自分の五感を使って自分の体験に落とし込むこと。聞く、読む、話しをする、書く機会を積み重ねて、それらを新しい学びと関連づける力。知識の概念が後者になると、自然と体験型学習やProject Based Learning (PBL) の提唱にも納得がいきますね。

"Every Day Is Earth Day"

今日のSustainable Educationの授業はドラマ(演劇)のアクティビティーがありました。





題材は Steven Prioconeさんの "Every Day Is Earth Day" (1997)(もう10年も前の出版物なんだ。。)The Play- Dramamagazine for Young People と言う雑誌に投稿されたものらしい。

日本では演劇の授業ってあんまりないよね。やろうとしても皆恥ずかしがるけど、カナダ人のクラスメート達は超ノリノリ。笑 大学生だし、教育学部で生徒をリードする心構えがある人たちだからかもしれないけど、超絶感情込めて、声のトーン変えて役になりきってる。なんなら登場の仕方とか、仕草とかまでこだわる。音読じゃなくて、演劇をやってるのが伝わってきます。





































From this semseter, I am auditing a course, "Inquiries into learning", which covers numerous questions that educators go though while studying or experiences teaching. 

The reasons why I registered this course is to have better understanding about what "learning" is, what makes good learning, how educators facilitate learning etc. Another reason is the course director being in charge of this class; Dr. Dion. In winter break, I found out her videos talking about Indigenous issues. Her way of talking was very clear, and attracted me to listen to her more. Then I also found out she teaches at York! (What a nice coincident.)
BTW the studetns taking this course are so diverse in terms of age. Some (not only one or two) have babies, others have already experiences to teach in public schools for at least 5 years, and many have husband and wife. Therefore, the discussion here is more relevant with their recent teaching experiences! So excited to hear from them every single time!

Anyhow, in the title of this post, I intend to ask questions such as:

  • Are we, as educator, satisfying to see just students responnding to teachers?
  • They look like participating, but seeing answer coming from their mouths is just a surface level of observation, isn't it?
  • What do educators need to pay attention to engage studetns and foster their learning during the class? 

The topic we discussed today was about curiosity, based on “On Listening to What Children Say”. (1986, Vivian). 

This article talks about what curiosity have to do with teaching and learning, focusing on kindergarten kids. (... I dunno how I can translate this sentense into Japanese... what curiosity have to do... is there such expression in Japanese?)


In last class, we had conversations about how students, teachers and contents are connected, sharing our own experiences. So, on top of that idea, we confirmed two things:

  1. teachers have to be curious about studetns' thinkings; and
  2. studetns have to be allowed to express their curiosites because these drives studetns to deepen their learnings. 


In reality, many teachers seem to have experienced that they shut down students' questionsin class because they have to care about meaningful learning, follow curriculum, and get studetns to the certain levels (goals). However, in such situations, giving a right answers right away could diminish the chances of students' thinking process that they are supporsed to take. The other peer explained that another reason to be confused with questions from studetns might be the fear. Even though being asked questions might sound like "your teaching is not clear", this is not always true. Because studetns are learning something they haven't known, it is natural to question something. Also, questioning is the sign of grasp of something. What educators have to do is uterlize the sign of learning to scaffold rather than just shut down the questions. Yet, the balance of taking time for questions and knowledge intake is hard one. We confirmed that nothing wrong with taking time to hear how do students think, even if you are in math and ascience types of subjects which already have solid answers. 

Questions mean a lot, so it is always better leave some space for that. 
The most important thing we talked about is listening to students to know their thinking process, not the answer. 
Listening to students' answer is not enough as educators. Showing your curiosities towards studetns by asking why students think in such a way

After today's class, I was thinknig about my future practicum in my highschool. 
I'll be in charge of some English classes though, gotta remember to appereciate questions they have, and let them share the thinking process to deepen their learning. Such situations might be regarding to grammar questions in highschool English class. But moreover, I wanna try facilitating discussions because discussion (some times debate also) is a good opportunity to explain WHY you believe this way. 

I'll keep reminding me that being curious about students creates trusts, respects and relationship with studetns. This is not limited to studetns-teachers relationship though, it is something I want to appereciate from now on. 






この事件の背景に隠されている考えは "Islamophobia"


Definition of Islamophobia according to Merriam Webster






The resulting law has been condemned by critics who say it deliberately targets Muslim women and will fuel the province’s simmering debate on identity, religion and tolerance.  

... Philippe Couillard, the premier of Quebec, was defensive as he addressed the new law. “We are just saying that for reasons linked to communication, identification and safety, public services should be given and received with an open face,” he told reporters. “We are in a free and democratic society. You speak to me, I should see your face, and you should see mine. It’s as simple as that.” (Kassam, A. 2017, Octover.) 


